


10 Questions I Should Ask At Interviews

  1. “Is there a chunk of your office/company that would be described as weird nerds with intense interests?”
  2. “Do you have diversity statistics for both your organization as a whole, as well as specifically the team I’ll be joining?” and if I don’t like the answer, “Are you committed to improving those statistics in the next year?”
  3. “Does the team have a unified work style, or do engineers use their own preferred work style?”
  4. “How would you describe the camaraderie on the team?”
  5. “Is there anything that successful members of this team do?”
  6. “Are there certain events or activities that are core to fitting in with the team, e.g. team summits, ping pong, happy hours?”
  7. “Would you say that people on the team are friends with one another?”
  8. “How does the team like to support members who are dealing with a medium-length illness or going through a family emergency?”
  9. “What is your organization’s COVID prevention strategy?”
  10. “Outside of pager duty, at what time should employees snooze their notifications for the night?” and “How many employees are generally working late?”

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